Saturday, May 13, 2023

Skid Row Slasher and Jupiter The Europa Mission

Skid Row Slasher By Mike Colonna Logline: The "Skid Row Slasher" is on the loose in Downtown Los Angeles. His latest movements are documented by a young woman walking home from a midtown restaurant. Genre: Horror-Suspense
Kathy and Ron are sitting on the couch watching the local news. WEATHERMAN JESS MARLOW “I’m Jess Marlow, Welcome to the KNBC News Service 11pm weather forecast. Now, let’s see what the weather is like later tonight In L.A. There is an 80 percent chance of rain through the night lasting through early tomorrow morning. The temperature will be fluctuating from the low 60’s and should reach the low 70’s by tomorrow morning. Again, we expect rain most of the evening turning into drizzle all day tomorrow. Thunderstorms are expected tonight over the southland. If you plan to go out make sure your bring your umbrella, get cozy around your fireplace and with love ones we’ll see you tomorrow on the 5pm News Service. Sending it back to you in the studio with an update on the “Skid Row Slasher.” KATHY I hope they catch that serial killer; it’s giving me goosebumps just thinking about it. Do you mind if I cozy up to you, you’re so nice and warm, you make me feel secure. “The Skid Row Slasher” that’s what they’re calling him now. It’s not safe to walk the streets in downtown L.A. anymore Ron, It's too close to home. Ron concerned
RON “You’re right, It’s like a real life nightmare. People are getting attacked in broad daylight all hours of the night.” The phone rings, Kathy picks up the phone. KATHY “Hi Sis, where are you? I can hear the rain pouring down. SIS I just left the Library Bar, I had drinks with a few girls from the office and I’m on my way back to my condo.” KATHY Where exactly are you? SIS “I’m on Spring and 6th street downtown.”
RON “Kathy tells her to turn on her “Facetime App” and we’ll follow her home. KATHY “You shouldn’t be walking home alone sis, you’re in one of the most dangerous areas in L.A.” SIS “I don’t know how to turn this thing on, I’ve never used Facetime. Let me see if I can make this thing work.” KATHY “Let me see how the app on my phone works, ok, look for the Facebook icon, turn it on, then hit Facetime, then hold the phone up to your face. You can see us and your face will be on the lower right hand corner.” SIS “I’m trying, darn it, I can’t get the thing to work, wait, I think I found it.”
KATHY “Now type in Kathy, and we can follow you home. Just put the phone up to your face, let’s see what happens.” SIS “I’m really upset, Haley and Karen met these two actors at the bar, they get star struck every time they were someone in the movie business.” “I’m holding the phone; this umbrella is a pain.” KATHY “Keep moving, we can see you, it’s the only way we can track you. Hang in their sis.” SIS “What are you guys doing?” KATHY “We’re watching this never ending series “Blacklist.” The plot changes every episode. It’s quite good, have you ever watched it?” SIS “I’ve watched a few episodes; I couldn’t get into it.” KATHY “How far are you away from your condo?” SIS “About three blocks.”
KATHY “Ron and I can pick you up and take you back to our place.” SIS “No Big Sis, you’re always worried about me.” There’s no one on the street. Just rain and me.” KATHY Are you sure?” SIS You always worry about me, listen, don’t worry. I’m going to duck under this awning and get out of this pouring rain. Bear with me.” KATHY “Sis, Just keep the phone on your face, we’ll follow you all the way home.” “Ron wants to ask you a question.” RON “Where’s Jake, he should be with you.” SIS “Ron, he’s in San Diego on a business trip. He’ll be back sometime tomorrow. We’ve been talking about getting married!” ‘ KATHY Wow, sis, that’s a shocker. When did this all happen?” SIS “I told him I wanted to start a family, and we need to figure out where this relationship is going. After all we’ve been living together for more than three years, it’s time, how does that phrase go, get off the pot!” It’s really pouring now.” RON “How romantic.” SIS “Ron, don’t be sarcastic, you and Kathy played house for more than five years. You know me, I don’t hold back. I’m ready, it's time to make Kathy an aunt and you an uncle.” “Ok, it’s lightened up a little. I’m going to start walking again. I can see my street sign, darn the phone is slipping out of my hand. Whoops I got it!”
KATHY “Just keep walking sis, you’ll be there in no time.” SIS “Shit, there’s a homeless guy standing on my corner with a shopping cart.” Ron sees the image, RON “Ignore him, just keep walking.” SIS “Ok I passed him.” RON “Hold the phone in front of your face, we want to see your surroundings better.” SIS “OK, I’m trying my best. “It’ starting to rain hard again. I’ve always hated this street, nothing but garbage and mentally ill people walking at all hours of the day and night. RON “I can see you, just keep talking, we can see you loud and clear.” SIS “Ron, glad I called, you make me feel safe.” KATHY “You’re makeup is running down your face, sis, you still look fantastic.”
SIS “Thanks, Kathy, you’re the best sister a gal could have.” Ron interrupts, RON “‘I see a shadow behind you. Don’t look back. Walk a little faster.” SIS “Ron, who’s following me?” RON “Looks like the homeless guy you passed. Looks like he’s wearing a hoodie, and he’s set his shopping cart in a hallway, and is moving closer to you.” KATHY “Sis, do you see anyone that can help you? “We’re going to jump in our car and pick you up!” SIS “Don’t bother, I'm a half block away from my condo.” KATHY “Sis, he’s behind you.” Kathy is watching in horror as her sister yells,
SIS “Leave my hair alone, creep!” HOMELESS MAN “Your hair is beautiful, what’s your name, I’m here to help you find your way.” Ron grabs the keys to his car, RON “Kathy keep your sister on the phone, I’ll call the cops from my phone. Tell your sister we can see this guy, tell him he’s being watched.” SIS “He heard you, Ron.” HOMELESS MAN Who are you talking to? Let me have that phone.” KATHY “Sis, he’s hideous.” “How far are you away from your condo?” SIS “I’m four doors down.” “Let me go.” KATHY “Ron is on his way. He’s got this bastard's description; he’s calling the cops.” “Tell me what’s happening sis? SIS “He’s got a knife. Don’t! Don’t!”
She screams. The homeless man picks up her sell phone, HOMELESS MAN `She's home now!” The police and Ron arrive at the same time. A body is slumped over laying next to a condo complex. Paramedics arrive, Kathy is in a state of shock. The police and Ron arrive at the same time. A body is slumped over laying next to a condo complex. Paramedics arrive, Kathy is in a state of shock. The paramedic checks her neck and yells in a loud voice, PARAMEDIC “She’s got a pulse!”
JUPITER “The Europa Mission” By Mike Colonna Logline; Seeking peace and quiet, a young man finds his dream home on 10 acres in the Southern California desert in the middle of a hotbed of exterrestrial activity. Genre: Horror-Time Travel-Suspense
A GUEST OF THE WORLD “Ian” Hamilton’s life has been altered by his layoff from a Social Media Company. His buyout was in 6 figures. His plans of leaving his beach area apartment is now a reality. “Ian,” an animal lover, is in his mid 30’s, his best friend is Rocky, his larger than life German Shepard. Rocky follows “Ian” everywhere. They will now embark on a short trip to find a small house on a few acres, off the grid, somewhere in the California desert.
“Ian” has been planning to leave his crowded Beach City apartment for years. He’s invested in a 4 wheel drive Tacoma pickup long bed truck with a camper shell that resembles a small two story trailer. A home away from home. His departure from life as a “social media” analyst is a welcome relief. Off to the “wild blue yonder!” Aerial of “Ian” leaving his Southern California Beach community, turning on the 22 Freeway, traveling down the 57 and the aerial camera is following “Ian” down the 91 Express lane, we see an inside cabin shot of “Ian” and “Rocky” as they traverse the Expressway onto the 10 Freeway, through the Beaumont, Moreno Valley, with windmills dotting the countryside. A Union Pacific train is traveling alongside the 10 Freeway with its two miles of containers from Los Angeles on its way to the Midwest. Four Union Pacific Diesels are doing approximately 60 miles an hour. “Ian” passes the two mile behemoth within minutes and arrives at the Yucca Valley turnoff. Another 30 minutes and he will reach the “hippie” town of Yucca Valley. He passes a In and Out Burger, pulls into the pickup lane, next we see him chomping on a burger, sharing the bread and patties with “Rocky.”
He turns left on Old Women’s Road, and travels through picturesque rock formations, pulls over and checks out his map and pinpoints two acres with a small house in the middle of nowhere, below Goat Mountain, called Landers. He makes a left turn, and drives a few hundred yards and has arrived at his destination. A small house converted from a trailer, sits in the middle of a two acre parcel, the entry is a short dirt road, “Ian” and Rocky agree, this place will be their new home away from home. Ian’s parked outside of an Escrow Company to sign paperwork. Rocky is sitting outside in the camper with his head sticking out of the window. A young escrow officer in her mid twenties greets “Ian” at the doors and notices Rocky’s head sticking out the rear window of “Ian’s truck. She smiles and welcomes her new client. SAMANTHA Hi, my name is Samantha. Your German Shepard is awesome. What’s his name? IAN Rocky. He’s my point man.
SAMANTHA How cute. Well shall we get started. She leads Ian to her office, overlooking the parking area which has a clear view to “Ian’s” camper. Rocky’s head is poking out of the window, taking in the scenery. SAMANTHA I see where you’re buying a property up in the Landers area. I love the name of the street. Jupiter. IAN Yea, all the streets in the area are named after planets in the Universe. I guess that’s what appealed to me. SAMANTHA You know, I’ve heard the sky at night is filled with stars, and occasional meteor showers. You’re going to love it there. IAN I’m looking forward to it. Do you live in this area? SAMANTHA Yes, grew up in this area, went to high school and college here. What about you? IAN I’m a beach guy, but it’s gotten so crowded I can’t wait to be in some wide open spaces. Ian comments on a picture sitting on Samantha’s desk. IAN Isn’t that a picture of the Giant Rock in Landers?
SAMANTHA That’s my great Uncle Joseph Mansel. IAN I think I read about him. SAMANTHA He was an unusual fellow, before he died he told his friends that a space ship from one of Jupiter’s moons woke him up. The aliens invited him on board the saucer and they let him in on the secret of rejuvenating the human body. “ He eventually built a museum that relived his experience on the spacecraft. It was called the “rejuvenation” for scientific research into time travel, and extending human life. IAN Wow, that’s interesting. SAMANTHA He was buried in an unmarked grave site between Goat Mountain and the Giant Rock. We can’t find the spot, some folks think that the aliens from Jupiter found his burial spot, exhumed his body and brought it back to Europa, one of the dozens of moons that circle Jupiter. IAN What a story. Well I gotta keep moving, here’s a cashiers check, where do I sign. SAMANTHA Right here. I’ll walk you out to your truck. Maybe you’ll introduce me to Rocky?
IAN Sounds like a plan. SAMANTHA By the way, my friends call me Sam. IAN Well Sam, I gonna be in town for a few weeks, come by and say hello. SAMANTHA Looking forward to it. Ian drives off, she waves to “Rocky” as they leave. Ian drives under the corral posts to his new home away from home. IAN What do you think Rocky? Rocky barks approval.
IAN We’ve got lots of unpacking to do, Rocky, maybe we’ll spend the night in the camper. Let’s build a fire and talk about it. The next morning shuffling inside the camper, and a knock on the side panel. SAMANTHA Knock, knock. IAN You found us. We decided to sleep under the stars. Hey, I didn’t see any flying saucers. SAMANTHA Just dropped by to congratulate you on your new home. IAN Stick around, I'll make some coffee. Ian removes a table and coffee maker from his camper, cooks up some hot coffee, set up some chairs under the awning connected to his camper. SAMANTHA You’ve got quite a set up here. How much time do you plan on spending here in the middle of nowhere? IAN I’m waiting for some furniture, and my “redwood hot tub” should be delivered sometime today. SAMANTHA Sounds like you’re settling in. IAN This will be some adventure, something I’ve dreamt about for years. SAMANTHA Well, I’m in between deliveries, thought I would bring you your closing escrow statement. IAN Thank you Sam, Sam heads toward her car. She waves back at Ian and Rocky.
IAN Don’t be a stranger. Come by anytime. A week passes, it’s a late Saturday afternoon. Ian is sitting in his new Redwood Hot Tub. Steam off the hot water blurs his vision, Samantha drives off the main road, drives through the coral posts, and parks her car. SAMANTHA Well I see you’ve made yourself a home. IAN Stick around when I finish here I’m gonna whip up some dinner. SAMANTHA Sounds like a plan. IAN If you want to we can watch the sunset from my new hot tub. Care to join me. SAMANTHA I didn’t bring a bathing suit. IAN Use your imagination. SAMANTHA Ok, If you don’t mind I’ll use this towel to cover up. Sam removes her clothes except for her undergarments. Ian tries not to stare, but peeks and likes what he sees. Samantha has an athletic body, and appears to be fit. She removes the towel and enters the steamy Hot Tub. They face the sunset. She sits beside Ian, he sneaks his arm around her shoulder. Brings her closer. Samantha's hand is underwater and finds Ian’s naked body submerged. After touching Ian’s body under water, Sam removes her top and shakes off her bottom underwear. The sun is setting and now Samantha is straddling Ian facing him, Ian’s in heaven.
It’s getting darker, the wind is blowing over the hot desert. Ian looks over Sam’s shoulder as they are in full body to body combat, Sam’s legs are strapped around Ian, as he holds her close and is focused on the Sunset over Goat Mountain, he sees a ghost like light descending below the famous landmark. Ian shrugs it off, and Sam and Ian continue their underwater aerobics. The next morning Sam and Ian are inside the trailer waking up from a late night of stargazing. IAN I’m going to take Rocky out for a walk, Sam. SAMANTHA I’ve got to get moving, I’m going to take a quick shower, I’ll wait for you. Ian walks down the dirt road entrance to his new home. Rocky’s sniffing around, Ian hears Sam’s voice from outside the Tiny Home. IAN I’ll be right there. Ian walks through the home on his way to the outside shower and bathroom area. Sam has a towel wrapped around her trying to figure out how the shower works. SAMANTHA Can you make this work Ian? IAN You’ll enjoy it after we get this bugger working. Ian turns on a gadget next to the water tank, the shower begins squirting out a light stream of water, Sam removes the tower and jumps in the makeshift shower, and makes due with how a simple shower in the middle of the desert can be so invigorating.
IAN Need any help? SAMANTHA Could use some soap if you have any? IAN You bet. Ian grabs a bottle of liquid soap, squirts it all over Samantha, she start splashing Ian with soap and water. SAMANTHA Come on, this is fun. Ian drops his clothes, and jumps in the shower with Samantha, Splish, splash fun in the shower and much more. IAN Are we moving too fast here? You know I’m a traveling man, like to move around a lot, but now there’s you. SAMANTHA Let’s enjoy the moment, don’t get too philosophical about what’s happening. If it happens it happens.
IAN You know last night in the hot tub, when I was looking over your shoulder, don’t get me wrong, I was enjoying the moment just like you were, but I couldn’t help noticing a weird light bobbing in and out of the clouds behind Goat Mountain. SAMANTHA Uh ho, My great uncle would have loved that moment. I mean not the hot tub but the light behind Goat Mountain. He would have loved it! IAN There’s got to be more to it. SAMANTHA Well let’s talk about this later, I have to get back. I'm waiting for some packages to be delivered. It’s Saturday, if you like I can come back tomorrow and we can do some exploring, hiking or whatever’s on your mind.
IAN Sounds like a plan. Samantha hugs Ian goodbye. Rocky and Ian watch her drive off. A beautiful night desert sky begins to illuminate the desert. Ian and Rocky sit outside of his new home sipping on an adult beverage enjoying the desert sky. It’s a sunny morning in the desert. Ian is on a ladder installing security cameras around his Tiny Home. Fast forward to his desk inside overlooking Goat Mountain. He turns on his computer to install the security camera software. A voice comes on. SOFTWARE VOICE Thank you for purchasing our high powered security cameras. The way these camera’s work with our newly developed sensors will combat any type of breaches to your property. Your new security system is manned by live guards 24/7 who can not only warn you when criminals may be approaching but also send real-time information to police departments confirming an active situation that is happening. Unlike other security systems, our high powered cameras will give you a clear image by focusing on objects more than three miles with the clarity you will not believe. Our high powered cameras are super proactive and easy to use. Rocky is sitting by Ian’s side listening to the voice on the computer. IAN Rocky, I think we’ve solved our problem. Just then Ian’s cell phone rings. Samantha’s on the other end. SAMANTHA It’s the weekend, though you might want some company.
IAN I was just thinking about you, you have to see the new security cameras I’ve installed. I can see for miles around. SAMANTHA I’ll be there in a few hours, let’s do exploring, maybe some hiking. IAN Sounds great. Rocky Sam’s coming. Rocky has a nodding approval on his face. Samantha drives through the dirt road that leads to Ian’s Tiny Home. Ian is putting the final touches on his security system. Samantha exits her car, brushes herself off and approaches Ian on a ladder checking out his newly installed camera. A small fire pit is crackling with logs, Ian climbs off the ladder and meets Sam by the firepit. Samantha and Ian get comfortable around the firepit, Ian pulls out two cans of soft drinks. SAMANTHA Looks like you’re surrounded by a wall of surveillance cameras. IAN I don’t want to miss a thing out here in the middle of the desert. After the other night, I thought I would take a deep dive into the history of all the Goat Mountain UFO stories. SAMANTHA My great uncle would have loved you!
IAN You know there’s something very mysterious living out here in the desert alone. Sorry, maybe we’re not alone. I’ll bet the Goat Mountain is hiding a lot of secrets. SAMANTHA Well, let’s not talk about it, let’s do it. If you feel like exploring the different trails on Goat Mountain, let’s get up early and hike the mountain. I’ll be full of surprises. Sam and Ian approach the entry, Sam takes a step in front of Ian, as she opens the door, she turns and puts her arms around her new found love. They embrace, and you know the rest. The next morning Rocky jumps on the small bed that Samantha and Ian are sharing. Rocky’s licking Ian’s face. SAMANTHA I guess who we know who’s Rocky’s favorite.
IAN Before you know it, old Rocky here will be waking you every morning if you plan a lot of time here. Ian gets out of bed and begins making a pot of coffee on his one burner stove. SAMANTHA It’s about 6am, we should get moving to Goat Mountain before 7. The camper shell’s side doors are open. Sam and Ian are loading the gear for the Goat Mountain hike. The jump into the front and Rocky’s occupy’s the back seat. An aerial of the truck leaving Budgies property on a dirt road leading to Goat Mountain. SAMANTHA Let me read some of my great uncle’s memories from the book he wrote. Incidentally the road in front of your property is called Reche trail, named after my uncle’s friend Charlie Reche. Old Charlie happened upon the mountain on his way home from hunting deer. Took a break from driving and it says here, he “happened upon a piece of gold” lying on the ground. IAN Gold? SAMANTHA After that small discovery he moved his family to this area and started mining, he eventually gave his mine back to the government. IAN I think this is where we start our little trek through Goat Mountain. They should have called it Gold Mountain since there’s mine shafts all over the place. They begin walking the trail. IAN Looks like there’s loose rocks so watch it Sam. They start their journey, finally get to the top. IAN Look north, the Mojave Desert. Look Sam, someone built a sundial from rocks. SAMANTHA What’s this crazy looking rock formation? IAN It’s called the White dome. Let’s take a break. Sitting in one of the scenic spots next to the White Dome, Ian pulls out his camera and begins shooting pictures of the area. SAMANTHA We ought to take a couple of pictures of us standing next to some of these beautiful rock formations.
IAN Let me set this camera on a Tripod, sounds like a great idea. Ian set’s up his cell phone and mini-cam facing the White Dome and another facing the desert. SAMANTHA We should get back to your place, it’ll be dark in an hour. They begin packing Ian’s camper. The truck begins the downward trek toward the main road. Samantha checks the I-phone pictures that were taken atop the hill. She begins shuffling the pictures and takes notice. SAMANTHA Did you focus on the two of us, something in these pictures looks very odd. IAN What’s the problem? SAMANTHA I’m trying to focus on both of us. Something fishy is going on here. We both have something holding onto our shoulders. IAN What are you talking about? SAMANTHA Pull over and I’ll show you. Samantha holds the focus down on the I-Phone, Ian and Sam both have hands holding their shoulders. No bodies, just hands. IAN Wait a minute, you’ve been playing around with these pictures. I don’t get it. SAMANTHA Weird, the hands look very odd, almost scaley.
IAN Look at your Shirt, your shoulder where the hand was, it looks like it’s decomposing. SAMANTHA Crap, Samantha looks at Ian’s shoulder. SAMANTHA Look at your shirt, the right shoulder looks like you have a big stain, or some kind of smudge. They look at each other in amazement. Ian pulls back on the road and they head back to Ian’s new desert home. It’s dark, Ian and Samantha settle in, Ian has opened his laptop, this connection is weak, but he still has a faint picture of his email. Samantha is adjusting the small kitchen table, when she notices a light over Goat Mountain, hovering then disappearing. IAN My laptop has lots of static. Not sure what’s happening. SAMANTHA Didn’t you say the other night you saw lights moving above Goat Mountain? Look there’s something going on up there. IAN Hold on, there’s some type of face emerging on my laptop. Looks like some kind of weird face, it clears then becomes static. It looks like one of the faces on Game of Thrones. A White Walker. SAMANTHA Could it be connected with the lights on Goat Mountain. IAN Not sure, but Sam, look at this face on my computer. It looks like a dead person. SAMANTHA Hideous, could it be connected to the hands we saw on your camera?
IAN I don’t know, but there’s something going on out there, Rocky’s pawing at the door. Ian grabs his jacket. IAN I'm going to find out what’s happening once and for all.I’ll take Rocky with me, you hold down the fort. SAMANTHA Bullshit, I’m going with you! Samantha grabs her jacket, a flashlight and a baseball bat she keeps in her car. Ian gets his Rugger and they head out the door. An aerial of Ian's camper truck, lights headed for Goat Mountain. As they approach, lights are traversing the mountain like large shadows in the night. Ian and Samantha stop at the base of Goat Mountain trail, and begin their mission. Suddenly as they get midway up the mountain trail, a loud indescribable noise, like someone scratching a chalkboard. IAN Did you hear that? SAMANTHA I thought I heard something behind me. IAN Let’s keep moving. SAMANTHA I see something strange. They come upon a big rock, and hide behind it. Ian takes out his camera, and begins filming into the dark, he sees some type of matter through his lens. IAN You see that? SAMANTHA See what? IAN My camera shows a beast-like figure but when I look up I see nothing. Wait, some type of White Walker type creature is looking straight at me. SAMANTHA I still don’t see anything. Maybe it sees the light on your camera.
IAN Without the camera, all I see is nothing but darkness. Bright lights are flying over the pair. We see their bodies as the light flies over them. Then darkness. SAMANTHA Let’s back off. IAN Try not to make too much noise. Look, that one beam of light coming from the sky skimming the mountain. It’s dropping something. It looks like a body. Moments later, Ian and Samantha are surrounded by bodies dropped by the circling lights hovering above Goat Mountain. SAMANTHA Ian I think this is a bad idea, let’s get out of here. IAN These bodies seem inhuman, lifeless, spirits, I’m turning my camera back on, I’ve got to record this. My camera will pick up wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation that we can’t see with our eyes. SAMANTHA It’s so dark up here. Maybe we’re losing our minds. IAN Time to head back, be as quiet as you can. Ian and Sam look back at white and orange objects in formation, followed by a further eight identical objects. The rise vertically over the lower sections of Goat Mountain dropping what appears to be lifeless ghost like objects. The scene is quiet and surreal. SAMANTHA Look Ian, one of those objects is diving up and down changing shapes. It’s rising fast, it just vanished. IAN Sam looked up, their shooting past the clouds, their gone. SAMANTHA This is really crazy. I’ve never seen anything like this before.
IAN Let’s get out of here and come back in the morning. Aerial Camper Truck leaving Goat Mountain headed back to Ian’s Tiny House, on Jupiter Road. Back inside Ian’s home. IAN I’ve got to do some checking here. Ian removes his laptop from a small backpack. SAMANTHA What are you checking on Ian? IAN Funny how these bodies kept falling out of the sky. It looked like the shining objects were jettisoning these objects that looked spent, or just plain empty of any life. SAMANTHA Let’s look at my USB card, I’m pretty sure I have some of the bodies dropping out of the sky. IAN I’ll stick it in my laptop, let’s see what’s on it. The laptop reveals lights hovering above Samantha and Ian’s head’s. Faint ghost-like objects are falling out of the clouds, with bright lights circling in patterns that resemble figure eights. SAMANTHA Look Ian, what are those faint objects dropping out of the clouds? IAN We have to go back tomorrow and do some checking. Where are the selfies we took? SAMANTHA I’ve got them here. IAN Let’s take a closer look at the hands draped over our shoulders. One hand on each shoulder, shriveled up, spooky. SAMANTHA You think it has something to do with the bodies dropping out of the sky? IAN You said one of your relatives lived out here? Wrote a book, let’s check it out on the internet. What was his name?
SAMANTHA James Van. Type it in and see what comes up. Ian’s fingers move quickly on the laptop. IAN Wait, look at this. Good old James talks about the Giant Rock and evidence about UFOs on Goat Mountain. Geez, Sam, I think we’re dealing with something from another world. SAMANTHA It’s worth another trip up there in daylight. Those lights at night spook me. The next day they drive back to Goat Mountain. Walk the trail, discover circular rocks in a deep canyon that appear to be some type of landing area. SAMANTHA Look at the ground around that circle of rocks. Little mounds of dust. Ian reaches down, picks up some of the dust particles, and discovers bone-like particles mixed with greyish white dust. SAMANTHA What do you think? IAN I’m still trying to figure out if this dust has anything to do with the hands we saw in the pictures. Let’s bag some of this stuff and see if anyone in town can identify what the hell it is. Samantha is on Ian’s laptop. SAMANTHA I’m checking on some forensic labs around this area. There’s one in town.
IAN Let me see the computer for a second, something is jumping out at me. Sam did you know there was a serious earthquake here more than 30 years ago. There were earthquakes recorded around the world. A big one in the Middle East, looks like one huge quake in Turkey. Turkey’s government blamed it on some type of crazy theory that an American Ship was cruising the coast of Turkey and dug a tunnel in which they planted some type of hydrogen bomb to cause the earthquake. Ian keeps punching away on his laptop. IAN The folks near the quake spotted weird lights moving in and out of clouds before the quake. They reported beams that were pointed down outside of the earthquake epicenter. SAMANTHA You think it could be something from another planet? IAN Let me keep reading. It’s said here that folks interviewed after the Landers earthquake saw strange objects flying at high speeds in and out of clouds. With strange lights pointed at Goat Mountain. Scrolling through different links describing extraterrestrial intelligence and close encounters and sightings. IAN Look Sam sightings of UFO’s dates back to biblical times. Reports date back thousands of years with carving on walls depicting round saucer-like objects above the earth. We have to go back up there in the morning. SAMANTHA Why would governments try to cover up the existence of aliens from outer space? IAN It says here that a government organization connected to the Air Force has a document proving the existence of small, gray humanoid aliens from a moon circling Jupiter could be the stop over for saucers from another galaxy. SAMANTHA We’ve got to go back up there.
IAN Aren’t you afraid? SAMANTHA Are you kidding, my Uncle found something up there but didn’t live long enough to expose what he saw. I’m convinced that these saucers from another planet have created earthquakes around the world. Let’s get some sleep and leave early. Ian wakes up and checks his laptop. It's about 3am. He looks out the window yawning and sees bright lights hovering over Goat Mountain. The lights are bouncing in and out of clouds, darting back in and out, a sphere resembling a saucer or triangular object in a split second is now hovering above Ian’s Tiny House. IAN Sam, wake up. Look. The triangular craft is about 1000 feet above Ian’s home. Suddenly bright lights are shining down its daylight at 3am. The area surrounding Ian’s home was surrounded by a blinding light shooting down from the saucer. Ian opens the door and Rocky, his dog, shoots out of the house. Suddenly the Saucer-like object shoots like a bullet back toward Goat Mountain, it seemed like a split second. It’s pitch black. SAMANTHA Holy crap Ian, what is happening?
IAN It’s got something to do with what we saw at Goat Mountain. If we report this, people will say we're crazy. We have to find out what’s going on. SAMANTHA Where do you think they’re from? IAN It’s got to be some planet in our solar system. I’ve heard Jupiter has four giant moons. In our astronomy class, Europa was one of the best places to look for life beyond Earth. I’ll bet that’s where our visitors are coming from. As Ian speaks, special effects travel through the blackness of space, passing each one of Jupiter’s moons and zooming in on the planet Europa. IAN That moon is dying, maybe they’re snatching bodies from Earth to replenish their dying population. SAMANTHA Dead bodies from a decrepit cemetery? Special effects of flying objects coming out of the dark side of Europa traveling at high rates of speed. Moving circling the moon launching frequently bursting out of formation moving on a path toward earth. IAN That’s it, Europa’s got to be where it's coming from. SAMANTHA You think?
IAN I’ve got to get some sleep, we have to plan our trip to the mountain bright and early. Let’s hit it! Samantha follows Ian to his makeshift Tiny House bedroom. The morning desert Sun wakes Ian, Sam is now awake. SAMANTHA Let’s make something quick to eat and head out to meet our visitors from Europa. IAN Where ever they’re from let’s hope we aren’t their next passengers. Rocky jumps into Ian’s Tacoma, Sam hops in, it’s Sunday and sightseers will be hiking trails along Goat Mountain.

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